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Important Minor Information:

This is an 18 & older event and valid photo ID is required at all times.


Anyone under the age of 18 or without a valid photo ID will NOT be allowed into the park.

1. No one under the age of 18 allowed inside RWP gates. ID must be presented to enter gate. NO EXCEPTIONS! 2. Muenster registration and expo hours: Thursday, March 13th through Saturday, March 15th between 8am-9pm. The RWP park gate closes at 10pm. NO EXCEPTIONS. Gates will be locked and guarded by police. 3. No person under the age of 21 shall be in possession of alcoholic beverages. Security and police officers will be on patrol in the campgrounds, parking areas, trails and vendor areas observing for violations of this policy and other reckless or dangerous operation. PLEASE BE AWARE that the security officers at Rednecks With Paychecks Off-Road are not from a security company. They are law enforcement officers from the neighboring cities and counties and DO have authority to arrest anyone in the park for illegal activity and behavior. We want everyone to enjoy themselves but not at the expense of others. Anyone who refuses to conduct themselves in a respectful way and who refuses to abide by the request of the officers or event staff will be escorted out and/or arrested regardless of age or sex. 4. We (Rednecks with Paychecks) reserve the right to refuse service to anyone at any time at our discretion. 5. Everyone entering the park must sign liability waiver regardless of whether they are riding or accompanying a rider. 6. Rednecks with Paychecks recommends everyone have proper safety equipment, and follow your vehicle manufacturer’s safety guidelines while operating in the park. 7. ALL Heavy Equipment has the right of way at all times! 8. All UTVs, ATVs, Go Carts, Golf Carts, Argos, etc. must display some type of flag from a pole attached to the vehicle that extends a minimum of 8ft from the ground. Example: If your UTV has a lift on it and a 4ft LED whip antenna with a flag mounted on the roof, the flag must be a minimum of 8′ from the ground to the top of your flag. No matter what unit you are riding, your flag must be a minimum of 8′ off the ground. Pickups, jeeps, cars, full size vehicles, do not need flags. 9. Absolutely NO FIGHTING. NO EXCEPTIONS. 10. No illegal drugs on RWP property. 11. No dirt bikes of any kind allowed at RWP events. 12. Speed limits on main roads and in campsites 10 miles per hour. (LAW ENFORCEMENT AND RWP STAFF WILL HEAVILY ENFORCE THIS RULE. IF THIS RULE IS BROKEN, YOU WILL BE THROWN OUT OF THE EVENT BY POLICE) 13. Four wheelers; WE WILL BE ALLOWING ALL TYPES OF FOUR WHEELERS AT OUR NEXT RWP EVENT. We will be giving the quad-racing type four wheelers one last chance to SLOW DOWN on main roads and in campsites (10MPH). If we have problems at our next event with quad racing type four wheelers, we will have no other choice but to ban them from RWP events from then on due to safety. ALL FOUR WHEELERS MUST HAVE WORKING HEADLIGHTS. 14. No glass bottles or containers of any kind. All articles are subject to search. 15. No weapons of any kind on RWP property.   16. No Pets are allowed to enter the RWP park.  17. No one under the age of 18 is allowed on RWP property. Our event is similar to a NASCAR race. 18. If you are caught on RWP property without a wristband ensuring you have purchased a ticket, police will arrest you on the spot. Everyone has to wear their wristbands on their wrist. NO EXCEPTIONS! If it gets too tight, breaks or gets too muddy, bring it to the Gate 1 Office and they will exchange it for you. You must bring your original wristband and your valid photo ID with you to get it exchanged. 19. In an effort to reduce accidents caused by drivers being temporarily blinded, the use of light bars on Vehicles is permitted on trails ONLY.  They are not permitted in camping areas or on main roads throughout the Park. If you use light bars on the trails, please exercise courtesy when approaching other riders. 20. Please help keep the cost down by bagging your trash and putting it in one of the dumpsters that are located throughout the park. 21. All vehicles must be equipped with at least one working headlight and one working taillight. If you do not have a working headlight or taillight, you must stop riding at dusk. If seen riding afterwards, you will be warned and asked to go back to your camp. 22. FLASHING STROBE LIGHTS OR EMERGENCY STYLE LIGHTS PROHIBITED. Strobe lights, or other lights that look like law enforcement or emergency lights, are not permitted at Rednecks with Paychecks events by non-emergency personnel.  If your vehicle is equipped with these types of lights, they do not need to be disabled or removed, they simply must remain off during your stay at Rednecks with Paychecks. Violators will be asked to disable these lights by removing bulbs, disconnecting wires or leaving the premises. 23. Motorhomes, RV campers, enclosed trailers, etc. WILL be checked by park security and/or park staff for persons attempting to enter the event without paying admission fees. Anyone found hiding or attempting to enter an event without paying will be escorted from the park along with EVERYONE who is with them in the tow vehicles, regardless of whether or not the others have paid their admission, and will be banned from the event. 24. THIEVES; we will NOT tolerate theft of any sort. NO EXCEPTIONS. YOU WILL BE ARRESTED AND PROSECUTED TO THE FULLEST DEGREE! 25. RWP facility reserves the right to refuse admission or eject any person without refunds who is violating RWP rules, local, state, or federal laws or whose conduct is deemed illegal, disorderly, or offensive by management. 26. No unauthorized soliciting. Vendors are allowed with prior approval and arrangements in designated areas. In the past, we have had guest who said they were just coming to ride and camp, but proceeded to set up as a vendor to promote their product sales. This is not a good situation for several reasons, the primary one being that there are many vendors paying for display space and it is unfair to them for these people to draw guest into the park rather than the vendor areas. HOWEVER, IF YOU WANT TO COME AND SET UP TO PROMOTE OR SALE A PRODUCT YOU MUST HAVE AN APPROVED BOOTH. 27. You must be 21 or older to enter the VIP area. 28. No drones are allowed to be flown over the park at any time, except those given explicit permission from management. We will not be giving out additional drone passes at this time.

While we want everyone who attends Rednecks With Paychecks Off-Road events to have a great time riding, seeing old friends and making new ones, please remember that there are thousands of people in attendance and there will be times when you will need to exercise patience and courtesy while riding. The main roads around the big mud pit are generally a high traffic area, especially during the evening hours. If you are traveling on these roads during the peak times, you will need to remain patient and realize everyone is there to have fun.

Yeah, we have some rules:


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Rednecks With Paychecks

P.O. Box 443 • Saint Jo, Texas 76265


©2025 Rednecks With Paychecks Off-Road, LLC. Rednecks With Paychecks, Rednecks With Paychecks Off-Road, and RWP OFFROAD are registered trademarks of Rednecks With Paychecks Off-Road, LLC. All rights reserved.

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